Home > Blog > August 2022 Board Meeting Announcement

UTRU’s August board meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2022, at 5:30 PM and members are invited to observe and participate.

Our agenda is as follows:

  • Approval of July Minutes – All
  • Executive Director activities report/Membership update – Curtis Haring
  • Jay Fox Meeting Recap – Curtis Haring
  • Vineyard Stop Activity Recap – Curtis Haring
  • Call for September Newsletter Articles – Curtis Haring
  • Discussion: Fundraising contacts – All
  • Discussion: Organizations to Contact (Update) – All
  • Open forum – All

The meeting will be virtual: Click here to join the meeting

Or join by entering a meeting ID in Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 236 741 201 178 | Passcode: F3aoYL

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