December, 2023
6:00 pm
Cache Valley Transit District Transit Center,
150 East 500 North, Logan, Utah 84321
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The Cache Valley Chapter of the Utah Transit Riders Union is holding its inaugural meeting on Monday, December 11th at 6 PM at the Cache Valley Transit District Transit Center (
150 East 500 North) in Logan.
The agenda will include:
- Survey about priorities and needs of transit in Cache Valley
- Update from meeting with CVTD – McKay Ransom
- Open forum – All
Questions? Contact Chapter Head, McKay Ransom, at mckay.ransom@gmail.com or UTRU Executive Director, Curtis Haring, at curtis.haring@utru.org.
To sign up and become a member of the UTRU Cache Valley Chapter, or just to learn more, fill out the form below!