Add your voice and participate in the 7-Day Challenge.
Utah Transit Riders Union Utah Transit Riders Union
Advocating for Reliable and Accessible Transit in Utah
Be Heard! Sign the UTRU Petition Demanding the Legislature Fund Transit

Add Your Name to the Growing Number of Utahns Demanding the Legislature Fund Utah's Transit Systems - Sign the Petition Today!

Historically, the State of Utah does not fund public transit and, when it does, they are one-time funds for projects such as light rail and FrontRunner (this was the case in 2023 to double-track FrontRunner, for example).

The state has not provided support for day-to-day transit operations. This is despite the fact that more than 6 out of every 10 Utahns live in a community currently serviced by one of Utah’s seven transit districts.

Sign UTRU's Transit Everywhere, All The Time petition today and be sure to spread the word that you care about better transit in your community. 

To learn more about Transit Everywhere, All The Time, visit

Click Here to Sign the Petition

Join the 7-Day Challenge and Pledge to Use Transit for one week.

As part of Transit Everywhere, All The Time, we are calling on decision makers from across the state to actually use the transit systems their communities depend on for one week starting in May, but we want to encourage everyone to participate in the 7-Day challenge!

We understand that transit may not be easy to access from where you live, work, and play. That’s okay.

Though the goal of the 7-Day challenge is to start and end all trips using active transportation (walking, biking, etc.) and transit, we know that this might be difficult in some areas. So, if you can’t use transit for all of your trips, we ask that you try to use transit as best you can during the challenge. 

All we ask is that you try your best…but we also ask that you think about what could be improved to make transit more useful to both you and your community and what it might take to make those improvements happen.

Pledge to participate in the 7-Day Challenge today!

Take the 7-Day Challenge Pledge

Thank you to our generous supporters:

High-Speed Rail Level Supporters:

BoswickTax Services


Light Rail Level Supporters:

UCAIRUniversity of Utah School of Medicine


Curtis Haring, Dr. John Pearson

To learn more about donor levels and donor benefits, click here.

To discuss making a contribution to UTRU Executive Director, Curtis Haring, at or at 801-891-5507.

Click Here To Donate to UTRU
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