Help UTRU for $5 a month and get our custom stickers as a thank-you!
Utah Transit Riders Union Utah Transit Riders Union
Advocating for Reliable and Accessible Transit in Utah
April UTRU Check-in

Get your UTRU stickers today!


Thank you so much for contributing to UTRU in the past - it is much appreciated! Your funds help pay for staff to advocate for transit across the state and educate communities on the importance of safe, affordable, and reliable transit. 

But, did you know that an ongoing contribution of just $5 a month means you can get any two of the four fancy-smancy stickers we are currently offering to ongoing donors? They are: 

  • My other bike is a train
  • My other bike is a bus
  • I prefer professional drivers
  • I only use professional drivers

You will also receive three of our UTRU-branded stickers.

So, if you haven't already, I hope you consider re-upping your past donation today!

If you would still like a sticker but don't wish to set up an ongoing donation, individual stickers can be purchased for $7.50 each.

To set up monthly dues or purchase a sticker, visit our Donations Page.

Click Here To Donate to UTRU
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